Automotive Gas Oil

Automotive Gas oil, also known as diesel, is generated from the crude distillation process and is used to efficiently power internal combustion diesel engines. Our diesel conforms to the specifications of the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR).


Automotive Gas Oil, or AGO, is the name given to fuel intended for use in road vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, and cars) powered by diesel engines. AGO is used in two main types of vehicles:


Heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses. Light-duty vehicles, such as vans and passenger cars.


Diesel engines are widely used in heavy-duty vehicles. Such vehicles are frequently operated in fleets and are re-fuelled centrally with fuel delivered directy from the supplier. In the light-duty vehicle sector, recent advances in engine design now also allow light-duty diesel engines to compete with gasoline engines on performance grounds.


Light duty vehicles are generally re-fuelled through retail outlets. Although the emphasis differs, in both sectors the customers will be generally looking for fuel that provides economy, power, reliability and environmental acceptability.